UPDATED 5/17/20: In honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we are making our award-winning 14-minute documentary, Finding Cleveland, available to watch free online until May 31st, 2020. Click to watch here.
We will also host two Live Video Q&A Sessions Thursday, May 7th 3pm PDT & Friday, May 8th 7pm PDT with producer Baldwin Chiu, director Larissa Lam and special guest, Emily Jones, curator of Mississippi Delta Chinese Heritage Museum and university archivist at Delta State University. Students and educators are encouraged to attend. Open to all ages, but we recommend ages 8+. They’ll discuss the film and answer questions from the audience.
Topics discussed during Live Q&A include:
– Contributions of Chinese to MS Delta
– Relationship between Chinese & African-American community in Jim Crow era
– Chinese Exclusion Act impact on families
– How history informs our American identity
– Preview new film, Far East Deep South